Sketchbook Chronicles #2: Movie Review.

I know it's been more than a week since I did one of these but who's counting? I've been having a really good time with life despite being really busy. I kind of feel unstoppable and as I'm typing this, I'm knocking on wood. 

It's midterm season which used to make me feel like skipping town and changing my name but I feel like I have legitimate control over all the material I have to know, even the shit I don't care about. There is a slight feeling of impending doom because I spent the whole weekend in Richmond, Virginia at a fest hanging out. It was such a positive experience and somehow I feel like I'm in a better headspace to take on the week rather than if I would've just basked in the boredom watching all my friends have fun on Instagram while I'm home being a pencil pusher.

One thing I've learned from doing the things I do is that there is nothing more gratifying than going for something and watching it come together slowly. I'm not hinting that anything I've accomplished is anything exponentially great but being in a far away place, talking to friends from far away places that you only really know out of a mutual appreciation for what the other one does makes me feel like I'm at the starting line of fulfillment. I think that makes sense right? Also watching people come together to appreciate this great thing we have inspires me. It's a really good thing I brought a sketchbook with me on this trip. 

(I'm really trying to keep it vague because I really don't want to use the words "the scene")

As I mentioned prior, this weekend left me feeling good. When I feel good, I feel determined to get the ball rolling with whatever stupid ideas I have floating around in my head but unfortunately, I had to return to "real" life. Part time work is foreign to me especially because the work is so easy and quick that I'm forced to just sit there until they think of something else for me to do (that could take anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour). When I sit and do nothing, I start analyzing everything in the general area and today I started analyzing my coworkers. Everyone seems to have conjured up a friendship out of having no choice but to start caring about their job at the office. Nothing about my school (where I work) functions properly and they seem to take most of the shit for it. In fact, no dead end job I've worked has ever functioned healthily. 

So I started thinking, if I'm under the assumption that any place I work for is going to function like shit then why not spend the rest of my life developing a network/ system/ entity thing that works well and doesn't wait around for anyone? This is an incredibly vague drawing board idea and is 100% easier said than done but I think this puts me, once again, at the starting line of fulfillment.  

I guess what I'm really trying to say is I have a lot of stuff going on in the near future in which I'm very excited about. I'm doing lots of music stuff, art stuff, possibly a collaborative zine but if not, just another one of my own zines. The best part is that I trust everyone I'm doing these things with 100%. All of this exists in a healthy and honest creating environment. What more could I really ask for? 

 Excitement makes all the dumb day to day shit seem small and temporary so get excited! Even if your life is a boring sack of dog shit. What's the worst that could happen? Your life becomes an exciting sack of dog shit! Better than nothing...I think. 

Oh yeah, Isle Of Dogs: Great movie! Possibly movie of the year. 


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